Class With Cindy Grisdela

When attending the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival this spring I took a class with Cindy Grisdela and attended her lecture about color. Both were worthwhile.

Cindy’s class was based on her Full Wild quilt, which she entered in QuiltCon. Here’s a picture of her with the quilt, taken from her blog:

When I got home I wanted to let most of the blocks I made in class rest for a while, but I did make a small wall hanging with one of them. It’s called Drip, and I’m not crazy about it but I just had to do something with one of those blocks!

The rest of the blocks I put away because I want to consider what other colors to add. My usual problem is using TOO MANY colors, so I tried to restrain myself. Now I want to add more colors. Here’s a picture of some of the blocks just before the blocks were put away–they aren’t joined yet.

To be continued.

In her color lecture, Cindy suggested making a color wheel, saying it would be interesting to see what you had in your stash. Here’s my snapshot of her color wheel.

When I recovered from the recent quilt show (Heart of the Triad, blog is here), I decided to make a more elaborate color wheel. I drew it in EQ8 and printed templates from my drawing.

This was a fun project, AND I had all of those fabrics right here in my stash! I couldn’t resist using the light grey Tula Pink fabric with all the fun colors as background. The color wheel finished about 18″ square.

Anyway, I enjoyed Cindy’s lecture and her class, and I recommend both if you have the opportunity to attend.


10 thoughts on “Class With Cindy Grisdela

  1. I love that “to be continued” because I too took a workshop with Cindy (last December) and have yet to make a quilt from those blocks. However, I have registered for another of Cindy’s workshops, in September, and hope to not only resurrect blocks from the first workshop, but work new blocks into it. My challenge will be that I used up all my fabric colors in the first workshop blocks, so now I have to come up with new colors for the second workshop. Will I get the two sets of blocks to work together? That remains to be seen. I like “Drip.” You figured out a good way to turn four improv blocks into a finished design, and it’s good.

  2. I am impressed by your neat colour wheel and also that you had all the colours in your stash.

    What an inspiring workshop — looking forward to seeing the continuation of your project. Will more colours creep in 😂

  3. Fun that you had the range of fabrics! I use the color wheel when assessing my stash before going shopping to decide what to be looking for. That is when a friend says, “Let’s go shopping,” and I don’t have an immediate project need.

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