Some Scrappy Fun

When you’ve been quilting as long as I have, you own an endless supply of scraps (and sometimes not much yardage). Therefore, here are a few more recent scrap quilts, all for donation to various places.

This first one was made from blocks I used as leaders and enders. I took a bag of single-color scraps and joined them randomly, sometimes inserting a spark of another color just for fun. The background is a navy fabric with fun gold swirls that I’ve had for some time and needed to use!

Happy Scrappy, 61″ x 69″; this one will go to Flying Horse Farm

This next quilt was made from a free pattern called Wickedly Easy Quilts, available at However, be aware that the format on the site has changed since I got the pattern. It used to be just a free pattern; now it’s part of a free course. Whatever.

As I’ve mentioned before, I cut my scraps into standard widths and store them that way. This quilt was made by pulling blues, greens, and orange accent strips from those storage drawers.

Wickedly Easy quilt, 49″ x 49″; this is a lap quilt for the senior center

Finally, here is another Circle of Nine quilt using improvisational blocks made from a combination of orphan blocks and scraps.

Circle of 9 quilt, 54″ x 54″, a lap quilt for the senior center

Do you have a favorite scrap quilt pattern or method?

8 thoughts on “Some Scrappy Fun

  1. Oh, I love all of these, especially Circle of Nine! I know you have done that one before, and I told myself I would do one soon, but I didn’t. So I am glad to see it again and get reminded of a design I want to do!

  2. They’re all great, Zippy. But my fav is the circle of 9 – the pattern and your signature striped binding in black, taupe and white teams up with the black & white blocks to pull it all together!

  3. Wonderful scrappy creations and Happy Scrappy made me smile. For some reason they look like a grouping of different landscape scenes (or for some of them you would have to be on mind altering substance to see that type of landscape around you, ha) and the quilt it very happy and soothing! Nice work as always!

    • Reminds me that someone recommended years ago that I have a glass of wine when attempting free motion quilting. Unfortunately, I chose a glass of red…but some mind altering is good!

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