Heart of the Triad Quilt Show

One of the guilds to which I belong (Heart of the Triad) recently had a quilt show. Most of the members seem to be traditional quilters, but I was impressed with many of the quilts even if they weren’t my style. That said, here are some of my favorites, which may not be typical of the show as a whole!

Best of show was this beautiful, detailed, applique quilt. I can’t imagine how long it took!

Flower Garden, made by Micol Parsons and quilted by Wendy Hughes

There were several graphic designs that caught my eye.

Wonky Squares is an improv quilt made and quilted by Teri Craven

Every Which Way was pieced and quilted by Teri Craven as well–I think I’ve found someone who shares my taste!

Here are a couple of unusual ones that I especially enjoyed.

Got Bored in Physics Class, pieced and quilted by Bette Brownlow, was notable for its unusual techniques and fun title

Periodic Table of Quilting & Embroidery by Lori Peterson included applique, piecing, and machine embroidery. This picture shows only part of it so you can see some detail. It was very impressive.

The guild challenge was to make an original quilt that included at least one heart and some plant(s).

Down at the Barn, by Ellen Hart, won first place in the guild challenge.

Scrappy by Linda Fishel

Big Billz by Sharon Dorminy

Where the Bears Are by Ellen Hart

Elaine’s Quilt, made and quilted by Gerry Lou Wray from a Quiltworx pattern

Of course there were many more wonderful quilts; it was hard to choose which to include in this post. I hope you belong to a guild with equally good quilters!


11 thoughts on “Heart of the Triad Quilt Show

  1. How nice to attend a quilt show with such a variety of quilts. While I appreciate the work that goes into quilts made in the traditional style, it’s always the modern quilts that catch my attention. Maybe it’s the use of bright colors, or the unexpected designs, but I find them more interesting to study. Thanks for sharing your favorites.

  2. Wonky Squares takes it up a few notches with the ragged edge binding…that must have taken a bit of time in itself! I like how easily Toucans and Puffins are presented in that quilt – clearly two favorite birds of mine. And while I love the variety and representation of the diversity of your guild members via these quilts, that last one is the stunner for me!

    • Yes! In my experience, quilts designed by Quiltworx often win ribbons in local shows. I was shocked that this one only got an “honorable mention”. There were several other Quiltworx designs in the show and they were beautiful, too.

  3. Pingback: Class With Cindy Grisdela | Zippy Quilts

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