Modified Quilt Labels

I’ve heard for years that I should label my quilts, and I get it, especially because I have inherited some quilts without labels. However, since I donate most of my quilts, I have spent a good bit of time lately removing those labels I worked so hard to make and attach. I suppose I could leave the labels on, but it seems inappropriate to have my name on a quilt that I donate. 

Here’s my current compromise.

After finishing a quilt with binding, I use my sewing machine’s lettering function to stitch my initials and the year in a corner of the quilt, as inconspicuously as possible. This fulfills my need to sign my work without putting my name out there in a way that might cause recipients to feel they need to find me and thank me. My husband points out that I may also want to know when I made a particular quilt and this meets that need as well.

It turns out several of my friends didn’t even know their machines would do this. I know nothing about any machine except my Bernina, but it does have programmable letters and numbers. It is not an embroidery machine. So if you’re interested in this idea, check your machine to see what it might do for you.

And of course there’s always the trusty Pigma pen for signing!


12 thoughts on “Modified Quilt Labels

  1. Putting a full info label on quilts to be donated can also lead to unwanted stalkers, info stealers etc. Only put full info labels on quilts going to friends and family. Most charities do NOT want labels on the donated quilts because they have their own labels to put on them. Much safer for everyone involved.
    If you feel that you MUST label your quilt no matter where it is going—initials and date are enough.

  2. I think machine stitched lettering in the binding is a great idea! In fact, a long time ago I bookmarked a Bernina “We All Sew” tutorial for “Quilt Binding With Words,” published February 5, 2016. That tutorial has you embroidering words onto fabric strips, and then sewing it as binding to a quilt. Still, the point is the same. When I make a quilt to donate, I plan to give it a go. Thanks for the reminder to do this!

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  4. I’ve had a few “label-removing” episodes, as well. I don’t always know I’m going to donate it at the time I make it, but I love the stitched initials and date. And I’ve seen Linda’s stitching done in the binding, too. Good idea to use our machines to help us out!

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